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Conference Presentations and Proceedings

  1. Poster Presentation: Two Photon Charge Transfer Reactions as a Probe of Reactive Dynamics in Condensed Phase, W.G. Lawrence and V. A. Apkarian Symposium on Molecular Reaction Dynamics in Condensed Matter, Newport Beach, CA, October 1989
  2. Photodissociation Dynamics of HI in Rare Gas Solids, W.G. Lawrence and V. A. Apkarian Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy San Francisco, CA , October 1990
  3. Poster Presentation: XeO Charge Transfer Emission as a Probe of the Reaction Dynamics of N2O in Crystalline Xenon, W.G. Lawrence and V. A. Apkarian Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Matrix Isolated Species Plymouth, NH, July 1991
  4. Photodissociation Dynamics in Crystalline Solids: Many Body Dynamics, V.A. Apkarian,., P. Ashjian, N. Blake, A. Danylichev, M. Hill, G.J. Hoffman, D. Imre, W.G. Lawrence, E. Sekreta Proc. SPIE-Int. Opt. Eng. 1638, 2 (1992).
  5. Many Body Potentials of an Open Shell Atom: Spectroscopy of Spin-Orbit Transitions of Iodine in Crystalline Xe and Kr, W.G. Lawrence and V. A. Apkarian Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1994
  6. Mixing of Atomic Rydberg and Molecular Charge Transfer States of Fluorine Atoms in a Neon Matrix, C. Bressler, W.G. Lawrence and N. Schwentner Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus Oh June 1994
  7. Morphology Effects on the Spectroscopy and Dynamics of HCl in an Argon Lattice, W.G. Lawrence, H. –S. Lin, and M. C. Heaven Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1994
  8. Poster Presentation: Potential Surfaces of Open Shell Guests in Rare Gas Hosts, C. Bressler, W.G. Lawrence, N. Schwenter and V.A.Apkarian 208th National Meeting, American Chemical Society Washington, D.C., August 1994
  9. Fluorescence Depletion Spectra for the CN-Ne Van Der Waals Complex, W.G. Lawrence, Chen, Yaling, and M.C. Heaven Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1995
  10. Temporally and Spectrally Resolved Studies of Collision Induced Energy Transfer in I2 (X, v = 23, J = 57), W.G. Lawrence, T.A.. VanMarter, M.L. Nowlin, and M.C. Heaven Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1995
  11. Photoinduced Reaction Pathways of HCl Dimers in an Argon Matrix, W.G. Lawrence, R. Fulghum, and M. C. Heaven Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1995
  12. Photoinduced Reaction Pathways of HCl Dimers in an Argon Matrix, W.G. Lawrence, R. Fulghum, and M. C. Heaven Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry and Physics of Matrix Isolated Species, Plymouth, NH, August 1995
  13. Poster Presentation: Rate Constants for Rotational and Vibrational Energy Transfer of Highly Excited I2 (X), W.G. Lawrence, T.A.. VanMarter, M.L. Nowlin, and M.C. Heaven Molecular Dynamics Contractors Meeting, Boulder, CO, June 1996
  14. Energy Transfer Processes for I2 (X) of Relevance to COIL, W.G. Lawrence, T. A. VanMarter, M.L. Nowlin, and M.C. Heaven. Proc. SPIE-Int. Opt. Eng. 2702, 214 (1996)
  15. Electronic Predissociation of CN(A)-Ne, W.G. Lawrence, Chen, Yaling, and M.C.Heaven Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1996
  16. Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy of Cl3, W.G. Lawrence, R. Fulghum, and M. C. Heaven Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1996
  17. Energy Gap Dependence in the Non-Adiabatic Predissociation Dynamics of CN(A2P)-NE, Yaling Chen, William G. Lawrence, and M. C. Heaven Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1997
  18. Isotopic Selectivity in the Electronic Predissociation Dynamics of CN-Arn, Yaling Chen, William G. Lawrence, and M. C. Heaven Ohio State University International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy Columbus, OH, June 1997
  19. Short Wavelength Absorption Spectroscopy, William J. Kessler, William G. Lawrence, Steven J. Davis, Optical Society of America Annual Meeting, San Jose, Ca. October 1997
  20. Frequency Agile Bandpass Filter for Direct Detection Lidar Receivers, W. J. Marinelli, C. M. Gittins, W. G. Lawrence. Photonics East: Air Monitoring and Detection of Chemical and Biological Agents: November 1998.
  21. Selective Anisotropic and Damage Free SiO2 Etching with a Hyperthermal Atomic Beam, D.B. Oakes, William G. Lawrence, A. H. Gelb American Vacuum Society, Processes, Chemistries, and Manufacturability, Plasma Etch Users Group
  22. Hyperspectral Infrared Imaging of Flames Using a Spectrally Scanning Fabry-Perot Filter W.T. Rawlins, W.G. Lawrence, W.J. Marinelli, M.G. Allen. 2nd Joint Meeting of the U.S. Sections of the Combustion Institute: March 2001
  23. C Parameters and Quantum Yields for PAG’s at 157 nm: The Influence of Chemical Environment, Charles R. Szamanda, Gary Taylor, Cheng Bai Xu, William Lawrence, Adam R. Pawloski, Paul M. Nealy Second International Symposium on 157 nm Lithography, May 2001
  24. Factors Influencing the Properties of Fluoropolymer-based Resists for 157 nm Lithography, Gary Taylor, Cheng Bai Xu, Charles Szamanda, William Lawrence, Sassan Nur, JoAnn Leonard, Kirk Brown, SPIE 27th Int’l Symposium on Microlithography: Advanced Resist Technology and Processing: March 3-8 2002
  25. Remote Sensing and Selective Detection of Chemical Vapor Plumes by LWIR Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometry, Christopher. M. Gittins, Michael F. Hinds, William. G. Lawrence, Philip A. Mulhall, and William J. Marinelli. International Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research (ISSSR) 2001: Sensing from Space: June 2001
  26. Negative Tone 193nm Photoresists for Trench Patterning, N. Pugliano, G.G. Barclay, and W. Lawrence. SPIE 28th Int’l Symposium on Microlithography: Advanced Microelectronic Manufacturing: February 27-28. (2003)
  27. Poster Presentation: Spatial Frequency Analysis of Line Edge Roughness and Pattern Transfer. W. Lawrence SPIE 28th Int’l Symposium on Microlithography: Advanced Microelectronic Manufacturing: February 27-28 (2003)
  28. Chemical Dynamics of LER Formation. W.G. Lawrence, IIAP 2003 Workshop on Optical Lithography. Leuven Belgium, June 4-6, 2003
  29. Poster Presentation: Development and Characterization of CMOS Avalanche Photodiode Arrays, W. G. Lawrence, SPIE Photonics West: Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, January 25, 2005
  30. The Solid State Photomultiplier for Improved Gamma Ray Detector, Christopher J. Stapels, James Christian, Michael R. Squillante, Gerald Entine, Frank L.Augustine, William G. Lawrence, IEEE Conference on Homeland Security (1105), April 26-28, 2005
  31. Single Photon Detection using Geiger Mode CMOS Avalanche Photodiodes, William G. Lawrence, Christopher Stapels, Frank Augustine, and James F. Christian, Optics East: Optoelectronic Devices: Physics, Fabrication, and Application II, 2005
  32. Solid-State Photomultiplier in CMOS Technology For Gamma-Ray Detection and Imaging Applications, Christopher Staples, William G. Lawrence, James Christian, Michael R. Squillante, Gerald Entine, Frank Augustine, Purushottam Dokhale, Mikel McClish, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2005 (J01-7)
  33. Poster Presentation: An Application Specific Circuit for Positron Emission Tomography, J. F. Christian1, P. A. Dokhale1, W. G. Lawrence1, C. J. Stapels1, F. L. Augustine2, K. K. Shah1, M. R. Squillante, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2005 (J03-50)
  34. The Solid State Photomultiplier for an Improved Gamma Ray Detector, C. J. Staples, W. G. Lawrence, J. F. Christian, M. R. Squillante, G. Entine, F. Augustine, , IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2005 (N3-6).
  35. A 16-Channel Avalanche Photodiode Detector Array for Visible and Near Infrared Flow Cytometry, W. G. Lawrence, J.F. Christian, E. Podniesinski, P.K. Wallace, SPIE Photonics West: Imaging, Manipulation and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues, 2006
  36. Development of a Solid State Photomultiplier based on an Array of Geiger Mode CMOS Avalanche Photodiodes, W. G. Lawrence, Christopher Stapels, Frank Augustine, and James F. Christian, SPIE Photonics West: Integrated Optoelectronic Devices, 2006
  37. CMOS Solid-State Photomultiplier fro Detecting Scintillation Light in Harsh Environments, C.J. Stapels, W.G. Lawrence, J.F. Christian, SNIC Symposium, Stanford CA 3-6 April 2006
  38. A 16-Channel Avalanche Photodiode Array for Flow Cytometry, W. G. Lawrence, J.F. Christian, E. Podniesinski, P.K. Wallace, International Society for Analytical Cytology, May 20-24, Quebec City, Quebec 2006
  39. Poster Presentation: An Avalanche Photodiode Array for Polychromatic Flow Cytometry using Visible and Near Infrared Fluorescence, W. G. Lawrence, Gyula Varadi, Gerald Entine, E. Podniesinski, P.K. Wallace, Methods in Bioengineering, July 12-13, 2007, Cambridge MA
  40. Poster Presentation: Improved Molecular Barcodes for High-throughput Genomic Applications, William G. Lawrence and Daniel B. Hall, Keystone Symposium: Cancer Genomics and Epigenomics, Taos NM, 2008
  41. Poster Presentation: Polychromatic Flow Cytometry with an Avalanche Photodiode Array, W. G. Lawrence, Gyula Varadi, Gerald Entine, E. Podniesinski, P.K. Wallace, SPIE Photonics West: Imaging, Manipulation and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues, 2008
  42. A Comparison of Avalanche Photodiode and Photomultiplier tube Detectors for Flow Cytometry, W. G. Lawrence, Gyula Varadi, Gerald Entine, E. Podniesinski, P.K. Wallace, SPIE Photonics West: Imaging, Manipulation and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues, vol. 6859, 2008
  43. CMOS Geiger Photodiode Array with Integrated Signal Processing for Imaging of 2 D – Objects using Quantum Dots. Christopher J. Stapels, William G. Lawrence, Rajan S. Gurjar, Erik B. Johnson, James F. Christian. Infrared Systems and Photoelectronic Technology III. Edited by Dereniak, Eustace L.; Hartke, John P.; LeVan, Paul D.; Longshore, Randolph E.; Sood, Ashok K. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 7055, pp. 70550S-70550S-9 (2008).
  44. Improved molecular barcodes by lifetime discrimination. D.H. Hall, W.G. Lawrence. Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications IV, SPIE Volume 7189 (2009)
  45. CMOS Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode detectors for time and intensity resolved measurements. William G. Lawrence, Tani Tozian, Christopher Stapels, Gregory D. Derderian, J.F. Christian, Gyula Varadi. Gordon Research Conference: Physics and Chemistry of Microfluidics. Lucca Italy,June 28 - July 3, 2009.
  46. CMOS Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode detectors for time and intensity resolved measurements. William G. Lawrence, Tani Tozian, Christopher Stapels ,J.F. Christian, Gregory D. Derderian, Jeffrey P. Derderian, Gyula Varadi. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7594, 75940I (2010); doi:10.1117/12.839239
  47. Quantum Dot Organic Polymer Composite Materials for X-Ray Detection and Imaging W. G. Lawrence, S. Thacker, S. Palamakumbura, K. J. Riley, V. V. Nagarkar. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Knoxville TN, Oct. 30,-Nov. 5, 2010
  48. Poster Presentation:Scientific Analysis of Standoff Sensing of Airborne CB Hazards William G. Lawrence, Anish K. Goyal, Edward C. Wack, Andrew Annunzio, Paul Bieringer, DTRA CBD S&T Conference Las Vegas NV, November 2011
  49. Poster Presentation:Plume Reconstruction from Multi-Camera Data William G. Lawrence, Homeland Protection Workshop Series, Lexington MA, 2015
  50. Poster Presentation:Persistent Remote Monitoring of Ionizing Radiation Johnathan Richardson and William G. Lawrence, Homeland Protection Workshop Series, Lexington MA, 2015
  51. Poster Presentation:Sensor Suite Upgrade Study for Stryker Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (NBCRV) Jason Han, William G. Lawrence, Homeland Protection Workshop Series, Lexington MA, 2016
  52. Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction of a Plume from a Ring of Cameras Clara McCreery, William G. Lawrence, Cary Long, IEEE Symposium on Technology for Homeland Security, Boston MA 2017
  53. Assessment of Standoff Detection Capabilities for Sulfur Mustard William G. Lawrence, Homeland Protection Workshop Series, Lexington MA, 2017
  54. Poster Presentation:Experimental Assessment of Standoff Detection Capabilities for Sulfur Mustard William G. Lawrence, James Stylinski, Robert Hendry, Brian Lee, Michael Weibel, and Christopher Niblick, Chemical and Biological Defense Science and Technology Conference, Long Beach CA, Nov 28-30 2017
  55. Poster Presentation:Development , Modeling and Implementation of Algorithms for the Early Time Detection and Identification of Small Chemical Warfare Agent Releases Eric Truslow, Steve Golowich, Dimitris Manolakis, William Lawrence, Christopher Niblick, Chemical and Biological Defense Science and Technology Conference, Long Beach CA, Nov 28-30 2017
  56. IR Tomography from Hyperspectral Image Sensors William G. Lawrence, GEOINT Electro Optical Technical Symposium, Virtual Presentation, 2021