Work Experience
- MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA: 2011 - Present
Technical Staff
- Counter WMD Systems - Group 22: 2020 - Present
- Chemical and Biological Defense Systems - Group 47: 2011 - 2020
- Radiation Monitoring Devices, Watertown, MA: 2004 - 2011
Senior Scientist
- Development of CMOS Geiger mode Avalanche Photodiode (SPAD) elements for optical detectors
- Development of a compact flow cytometer using deep-difusion proportional mode Avalanche Photodiode elements
- Development of Quantum Dot - Polymer composite materials for X-ray imaging and radiation detection
- SHIPLEY COMPANY LLC.,(Now Rohm and Haas) Marlborough, MA: 2001-2003
- Shipley Assignee to IMEC (Leuven, Belgium): Principle responsibility
was evaluating 193 nm photoresist samples on the /900 and /1100 ASML scanners.
Provided support for customer studies at IMEC and participated in IMEC evaluations and research.
Conducted research on the mechanism of line edge roughness formation. 2001-2003
- Project Chemist: R&D of 157 nm photoresist materials. Participated in resist development using
the 157 nm stepper at Sematech. Studied the diffusive transport and reaction dynamics of small
molecules in fluoropolymers 2001
- PHYSICAL SCIENCES INC., North Andover, MA: 1997-2001
Principal Scientist
- Program Manager: SBIR program to develop an Imaging Fabry Perot Spectrometer for
the 8 - 12 mm spectral region with a scan rate of 2 kHz. 2000
- Build a cryogenic test stand for Type II Quantum Cascade Lasers. 2000
- Build and develop software for an imaging IR (3.6 - 5 mm) spectrometer for studying combustion in
zero gravity environments. 2000
- Program Manager: Fabrication and installation of a tunable imaging Fabry Perot filter operating
in the 8-12 mm region for Los Alamos National Labs. Responsible for design of the computer
system hardware and software. 1999
- Program Manager: Internal research and development effort for the fabrication of polymer light
emitting diodes. 1999
- Fabrication of a LIDAR receiver using a Fabry Perot tunable IR filter for a remote sensing system
under an Air Force SBIR. 1998-1999
- Fabrication of Airborne Multispectral Imaging Systems for the Air Force Geophysics Lab and NASA
ARC under the SBIR program. Visible and Infrared focal plane array cameras were targeted using
GPS/INS. Responsibilities included design of the optical system, integration of the GPS/INS,
writing control software and user interface development. 1997 - 1999
- R&D of a UV single mode diode laser and nonlinear frequency conversion techniques. 1997
Research and Development Chemist;
- Participated in a project to build an interface for automated entry of quality control information into statistical process control software.